Instead of 'Fair and Balanced',

if 'truth in adverstising' was enforced, FOX would have to have a truthful moniker. In a rare moment of lucidity, on 5-24-05, W admitted, one of his main tasks was, to 'catapult the propaganda'. (Look it up). In that, I think we may have found FOX'S true motto. I would love to see some truth from FOX, and have them admit what their main job is. They are a well-oiled propaganda machine, and VERY good at it. A fun-to-watch production, with beautiful women and great technology. Love 'em or hate 'em, at least recognize 'em for what they are. A non-apologetic propaganda machine. I just wish, instead of the laughable, 'Fair and Balanced', we could see a truthful label. "FOX News, Catapulting the Propaganda." Yeah, that works...


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