Bailout? For who?

Instead of dealing with 'troublesome loans', the Repub front guy, Hank Paulson has flip-flopped, and, contrary to what the $ was appropriated for, is using the hundreds of billions of dollars to buy bank stocks. As always, if you wanna know what's going on, 'follow the money'. Hmmm... I wonder who profits from this program? Maybe the owners of bank stocks? Who owns most bank stocks? Fatcat bank officers who have seen their portfolios shrink because of their greedy, short term plan to make a killing with subprime loans? SOOO, now they get a blank check to prop up their stock portfolios, and the gov't HOPES they will begin loaning again, BUT, they haven't. Good thing the Repubs, the financially responsible party, is in charge. If not, we might have a real mess...


Anonymous said…
As per usual, I believe, this govt of ours knows not where the $$$ are going! Just as it hasn't during diasters, until after the fact. This, I guarantee will be a replay. We have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. Take the corporate greed away and possibly maybe the Auto makers could make a go of it. However if Congress did that, where would the the contributors be for the next election? Always a Catch-22. (By the way, great movie.)

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