No wonder,Barbara Bush had an ulcer attack.

Can you imagine, as she lies in bed, trying to sleep, and she sees the amount of suffering her son has inflicted upon the people of the world? No wonder she has a bleeding ulcer. She must feel TERRIBLE! OMG, what have we done, she must think. The world is SO different, in so many BAD ways, because of her son. Sorry, Barbara, but it's only right you should feel a small part of the pain that W has created.


Anonymous said…
Come on now have to know that this old broad has been in on the Bush illegal misdeeds since her father-in-law, Herbert Walker Bush. Babs, like Laura Bush, knows the lay of the land. I call it guilt by association. I believe this has eaten away at her, especially the estrangement between father and son. I recall a televised statement Dubya made in which he was talking about the day he was inaugurated. He went to the Oval office following the formalities and asked his father to meet him there. He stated he felt so proud and he thought he father felt that way, too. The operative word here is "thought", meaning George HW never told Dubya he was proud of him. Knowing Dubya was an idiot, the office was purchased for him, he would no doubt be a horrible president, I would imagine the elder George wouldn't have much praise for his son. Of course, G HW Bush has always thought of himself far superior to others.

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