As I read 11/22/63,

by Stephen King, I am amazed by how much we have in common. In his time traveling quest to stop the Kennedy assasination, (since he wasn't able to stop GWBush, his first choice, when presented with a portal back in time), relocated to Dallas, TX, and had the same thoughts about Texans that I have always had, as I've lived there, several times, over the years. Won't ruin the book with specifics, but he is struck by the shallow, undeserved egotism, thinly veneered racism, and 'different' intellect that abounds in the land where black gold and Texas tea allows millionaires in a land where education just isn't that important. Like me, he can't wait to get out of there, when faced with an assignment, but continually looks around and thinks, wow, this is like a foreign country, in SO many ways, as the Texans just delight in being so TEXAN. The kind of place that could give us GWBush, and be PROUD of it. Unbelievable, but true. Stephen King, an author with deep insights, who can successfully put them on paper, as his #1 Bestseller, '11/22/63', shows, again.


Fam Guy said…
Read 'Texasville', or 'Friday Night Lights' to see that Stephen and I aren't the only ones who think this way. As King says, 'I'm sure there's thousands upon thousands of good Texans, BUT.....'

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