Interesting story, here in Colorado,

involving a famous sheriff, from one of our largest counties, who recently retired.

Patrick J. Sullivan Jr., a 68-year-old former Arapahoe County Sheriff, has been arrested under the suspicion that he tried to trade methamphetamine for a sexual encounter with an adult male, according to 9News, who reports the ultimate irony that the one-time national Sheriff of the Year now sits in a jail that bears his own name -- the "Patrick J. Sullivan, Jr. Detention Facility" held on a $500,000 bond.


Fam Guy said…
According to local news, he's been doing this for quite a while, with many different men. Drugs stolen from evidence lockers? He was one of the gutless wonder/chickenshit cops, who hid out, in their bulletproof vests while teachers and students bled to death, at Columbine, for 2 hours after the killers killed themselves. Later, they billed the school district over a million dollars, to investigate the crime. Some people wonder why I'm not a big fan of cops...

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