The Repub weasels

are gonna throw out a lot of excuses and blame, but the main sticking point with the Super Committee getting a deal done, is protecting the super-rich, (who OWN the congressmen on the right,) so they don't have to pay what they did before the Bush 'temporary' tax cuts.

"There is one sticking divide, and that is the issue of what I call shared sacrifice, where everybody contributes in a very challenging time for our country," Murray said. "That's the Bush tax cuts. In making sure that any kind of package includes everybody coming to the table and the wealthiest of Americans, those who earn over a million dollars every year, have to share, too. And that line in the sand, we haven't seen any Republicans willing to cross."

Yup, that's the Repub line. Take down the country, before giving in to the logic that we are in deep trouble, and the only way to fix it is a two-pronged approach, with spending cuts AND revenue increases. These clowns are gonna kill us, as they protect the 1%. I just hope the voters remember, in less than a year. I can't wait to see how FOX 'news' muddies the waters with distortions of what's really happening.


Fam Guy said…
FOX answered my question already. They blame it on Obama, saying, 'Where is Our Ronald Reagan', after the Repubs refused to compromise. Slimeballs...
Fam Guy said…
Grover Norquist, and his minions, should be SO proud.

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