in the Pubs 'clown van', crossed from funny, to sad, as Sarah Palin experienced 'teleprompter malfunction', and she had to actually THINK, before she spoke, instead of just reading a prepared text. Wow, we knew she was 'intellectually challenged', like many of the Pub candidates, but this was ridiculous. This time, Palin's critics include Republicans. What the heck was she talking about, they wondered. What has happened to Palin, they ask? As if they shouldn't know. Palin, though no longer viable in a national race, may deserve more sympathy than scorn. Her incoherence, though not new, has worsened, and she shows signs of someone desperate for relevance. As to the Iowa speech, though her teleprompter apparently froze, a technological glitch can't be blamed for "This is to forego a conclusion.", and other nonsensical mutterings, that went on and on. Again, nothing new here, as, "Duh, Sarah's not too bright', BUT, now even...