Good article this morning in The Post,

that I totally agreed with, about millenials not voting. Some interesting facts were included:

As we know, the conservative electoral gains were a gift from older voters, who turned out in relatively high numbers.
Many of these folks spend their leisure hours marinating in the glow of Fox News Channel, where they are told what exemplary Americans they are and how younger people without jobs or savings are basically bums. The median age of the Fox News viewer is almost 69. For Bill O'Reilly's show, it is 72.

The fact that the FOXCrap audience is OLD, and not gonna be around much longer, gives me some hope for the future of our country, when I see how much of that generation is gullible, like my parents, thinking that 'if the govt, or the TV news says it, it must be true'. What a joke, BUT, it's the reason that the Murdoch/Ailes, Repub/propaganda network has had such a HUGE impact on American politics, as they just 'make it up', and the naive, old couch potatoes sit and nod in agreement, feeling self-righteously patriotic. Bottom line, if the young don't vote, (only 21% in last election), they deserve the crap (Repub govt) that they get. Hopefully they're gradually learning, the hard way....


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