So far, the Koch bros

have committed to spending $887 million, to install likeminded politicians, who vote against the middle class, in favor of multibillionaire, Big Oil rightwingers. And the sheep can't see the problem, after the Pubs passed Citizens United, which KILLED the voice of 'one man, one vote', that the founding fathers put in place. Nothing new here, as the Pubs have put our country 'for sale' to the highest bidder, which happens to be the Koch bros, who convinced the Repub party that the NUMBER ONE priority for the country should be the Keystone pipeline. Sickening, but SO Republican. As always, I can see why the 1% are Repub. It's the little people who vote against their own interests, as they listen to FOXLies, that I can't understand. Yup, the Koch bros have YOUR best interests in mind. UNbelievable.....


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