As always, the Pubs are on the wrong side,

with a 'right to die with dignity law'. They wanna impose THEIR beliefs, and are fighting Dems who want to give those with terminal diseases the right to decide their own fate, BUT, the Pubs, as always, wanna intrude, like a 'woman's right to choose',  cannabis laws, gay marriage/equality (like it's a choice) and many other social issues. Their official talking point is 'individual freedom', BUT, their actual position is, 'Let our religion make the laws'. Same old crap from the same old jerks. Nothing new here, but I get SO tired of them saying one thing, and doing another, while the sheep just say Baaaa, with their heads firmly implanted.
The Repubs bitch about Muslim countries and their religious laws, while they do the same thing, whenever they get the chance.  Different religion, BUT, it's the 'right'(wing) one, according to the Pubs, and 'God is on our side'. The same Tea Party who preaches 'THE CONSTITUTION!', throws it aside, for their own personal/religious beliefs. SURPRISE! You're on the wrong side of the law, and public opinion, AGAIN.


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