Kind of a shame,

to hear that Mitt isn't running, again. As someone who believes the country can't survive another Repub administration, after the last one started two wars, cut home values and the stock market in half. then had to write $860 BILLION in checks to keep the economy from COMPLETELY imploding, I was hoping Romney would run again, cuz he had no chance of winning. Hopefully, the rightwingnuts of the Pub party will nominate some screwball like Ted Cruz who would also have ZERO chance, but would be fun to watch. I just hope they don't smarten up (ha ha), and nominate a moderate, or even Rand Paul, who could possibly win. Bottom line, our country MIGHT survive another Repub administration, but the results would be catastrophic, and we'd have to endure the scorn of the rest of the world, AGAIN...


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