Just a reminder,

to the idiots(R) out there, who screamed for years about the measures (QE) the Fed took to 'fix' the American economy after the Bush Admin(R) totally wrecked it. Remember the $860 BILLION in checks to keep us from total implosion? Most people have no clue how much that actually is. For years the pubs said we should go the way of Europe, with 'austerity' OR we'd have HUGE inflation. You must have heard it, cuz they said it EVERY DAY for about 7 years. Well, now Europe is suffering, the Euro is tanking against the dollar, idiots like 'Rick the Dick' Santelli have FINALLY shut up about runaway inflation, and the Pubs are claiming the economy is 'on the mend', BUT, in reality they are now in postion to 'wreck it all', AGAIN.
I know I spend way too much time watching financial and economic news, BUT, it's amazing what is being fed to the 'low information' sheep, who don't have a clue, and are the supporters/recipients of the Repub Bullshit Machine.


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