I really miss Stephen,

of 'The Colbert Report', and think Jon Stewart, and 'The Daily Show' has gotten weaker, though they do have some good moments, as when he interviewed Mike Huckabee and basically called him an idiot, to his face, for claiming Bubbaville's residents were 'smarter' than Bubblevilles', which, according to Mike, includes both coasts and metro areas across the country. The Huckster obviously can't read facts, which PROVE that Blue States pay for the bubbas in the Red States, no matter what Bullshit Mountain, and Mike, preach to the sheep.
BUT, back to my premise of missing Colbert, and my main point. The new 'Nightly Show' with Larry Willmore, following the 'Daily Show' on the Comedy Channel, is really funny and I hope he can keep it up. Funny, intelligent humor that the sheep probably couldn't understand or appreciate, but I love it.


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