With Mitt jumping in,the 'Clown Car' now has a driver,

and it's already REALLY crowded, BUT the Pubs have a way of making it very interesting, as they fall over each other, trying to be the MOST Conservative, while they reach out to the rubes in Bumpkinville, and, moving through the hinterlands, the clowns jump in and out, as they take turns inserting their feet, deep in their mouths, which is difficult, with their heads deep in their asses, BUT, they do it, with consistent humor. We can only hope for more Hermann Caine and 'The Donald' putting their wisdom out there, to share, as they take turns in the lead. Who knows what new characters we get this year, as they fight for 'the blessing', from Rupert and FOXNews? What a joke, that I am REALLY looking forward to. Oh well, it'll be here, soon enough, but now they're busy taking credit for the same 'Obama Economy' they were bitchin' about last month, Never a dull moment in the clown car...


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