We Americans, already know

that FOXNews lies, all the time, and have come to expect it, BUT, it's still a shock to Europeans that a 'news' agency, can just 'make it up', as they shovel the swill to the sheep. Canada realizes the problem and has outlawed the network, cuz, unlike the US, it's illegal to broadcast lies. The city of Paris is one of the latest victims of FOXCrap, and is planning to sue, for the lies that FOX reported, MANY times in the last week, that parts of Paris, and other European cities had 'no go zones' where police allowed Sharia law. As I said, those of us who keep an eye on the propaganda network can't be shocked anymore, especially when FOX disparages the Frogs, BUT, apparently, the blatant level of lying is new to the French, and they're taking Bullshit Mountain to court. Should be fun to watch.


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