If you ever wondered

just what the Pubs are really like, consider how they refuse to raise the gasoline tax, which hasn't been changed in DECADES, although we desperately need the money for highway and bridge repair/ maintenance. Even though no one would notice the extra few pennies, as gas prices plunge, the Repub lemmings are scared to do their job, cuz they are afraid of the rightwingnuts, incl Grover Norquist and the Tea Party, who want to kill the gov't, AT THE SAME TIME, they drive on the roads, and bitch about the poor condition. What a bunch of idiots(R), in case you can't recognize them when you see them. You've heard of 'The Silence of the Lambs', and this is a perfect example of 'The Ignorance of the Sheep', which is SO obvious, to those of us who don't live with our heads permanently inserted in their colon, with FOXNews permeating the intestinal walls..


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