What? FOX just 'makes it up?'

Fox News issued an unusual on-air apology on Saturday night for reporting the false claim that there are Muslim-only “no-go zones” in European countries like England and France that are not under the control of the state and are ruled according to Shariah law.
The broader apology on Saturday, read by Ms. Banderas, came after a week of pressure from a French television host, Yann Barthès, whose comedic news program “Le Petit Journal,” found example after example of the claim being made again and again by anchors and guests on other Fox News programs.

Wow, I'm shocked! Not that they 'make shit up', BUT, that they admitted it, on air. They get away with a LOT, as the sheep aren't all that discerning, when it comes to 'facts', but when you go that far 'over the line', even the sheep may be concerned. Nah..... Just kidding. It was the non-sheep who called them on it, and the sheep couldn't care less.


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