The sheep are SO proud,

as Bullshit Mountain leads the cable audience, with approx 1 out of 150 Americans listening to their crap, (1.8 mil out of 320 mil) as the 'birds of a feather' flock together, while 'non double digit IQ's' watch MANY different news agencies, and get real news. Every year the sheep scream, 'We're number one!', as they're the only ones who don't require 'facts' with their 'news?'. Nothing new here, but funny/sad, just the same, as the Murdoch/Ailes investment pays HUGE dividends for the Pubs, who broadcast propaganda to the 'low information' sheep.
PS. What's funny, is that I get counted as a 'listener', cuz I tune in, just to say 'OH MY GOD!, do people really believe this crap'?


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