Sheldon Adelson, the rightwing billionaire,

took a page from the Murdoch/Ailes playbook, when he found out he wasn't able to 'buy politicians' in Israel, the way that 'Citizens United', the Repub law allows Big Money to legally buy votes in the US. Israel doesn't allow blatant bribery, like the US, SO, Sheldon created a 'free' newspaper, 'Israel Hayom', that now has the largest circulation in the country, and just like the Murdoch/Ailes' Bullshit Mountain Empire, uses that media outlet to support his rightwing causes. SInce then he's bought two more, cuz controlling the news means controlling the sheep/people. Like FOX, he reports 'some' real news, then infuses all the other sections with his righwing political BS, passed off as 'news' and the readers get 'free crap', with their real news. It worked for the rightwingnuts in America, so why not try it in Israel, where Adelson is buying his way into politics, like the Koch bros have in America? Rightwingnut money + fake news= a match made in Hell. It works every time, as long as you have enough clueless sheep, who have no problem swallowing obvious bullshit. Too bad Israel doesn't have a law like Canada, where FOX isn't allowed, cuz it's against the law to broadcast lies, unlike the US, where, thanks to the Pubs, Big Money can legally buy votes. And you wonder why I can't stand 'em?


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