After hearing from 'The Dick'

for many years, about Obama's Terrible MidEast policy, we have a new X-spurt chiming in, and he actually IS an expert on the 'Chaos' he is claiming WILL happen, cuz if anyone knows about causing mayhem, it's the 'Hornet's nest kicker', himself', GW. The clowns at FOX are giving the cowboy conman a 'front row soapbax' to bitch about the current prez, cuz  in foreign relations, Dubya did SUCH a great job he can't even travel abroad, where he'd be prosecuted as a War Criminal, just as he SHOULD be here. But, it keeps the sheep riled, and that's the point, on Bullshit Mountain, where actual 'historical reality' doesn't matter, BUT, the damage Obama is GONNA cause has 'em screaming. More laser pointers at work for the cats/sheep, as they chase their tails, trying to catch SOMETHING.


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