They aren't asking me, but I have a plan

to elect Dems in 2016. In EVERY 'swing state', the majority of voters favors decriminalizing cannabis, while the Conservatives(R) wanna send adults to prison for possessing a weed. In the 2008 Colorado election, most pundits say Obama won because of the large voter turnout for legal pot, as he won by a much smaller majority than Prop 64. I'm claiming that the 'swing states' need to have 'Legalize It' on the ballot to ensure we don't have the Pubs in charge again, cuz we have seen what a disaster they can be, as it's hard to forget the Pub-caused 'Crash of 2008', and their fondness for war. Who really thinks we need more law enforcement and prison time for adults who choose cannabis over alcohol? Oh yeah, the sheep(R), and that's why we need to mobilize the vote AGAINST intolerance(R).
Seems pretty simple to me, in the same way it seems pretty obvious that once the people speak, with a clear majority, it's obvious what the 'will of the people' is. SO, once marijuana is legal, the MANY businesses involved shouldn't have to deal ONLY with cash, incl nearly a HUNDRED MILLION in taxes to the state of Colorado, that was delivered in CASH, cuz the Pubs are still fighting the banking regulations. Soon, there's gonna be a violent robbery, cuz criminals are drawn to cash, and the rightwingnuts are gonna say, 'See, I told you so', after their stupid rules make it impossible for business owner to have something as simple as a bank account and check book. PLUS, it's a LOT easier to avoid taxes in an all cash business, which was the point of legalization. Have I ever mentioned how much I can't stand the Republicans?


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