Pretty amazing series on CNN tonight,

as Dr Sanjay Gupta does a continuing documentary on medical marijuana. The research is one of the few things that Colorado and Israel have in common, as the Israeli govt has allowed actual research, instead of the lies from 'Reefer Madness'. Dr Gupta chronicles MANY patients, young and old, who are enjoying the benefits of cannabis, just as millions have, over many centuries, around the world.  The major drug companies HATE it, cuz, they are gonna lose billions, and that's what drives governmental policy. Bottom line, this series has well documented factual proof, BUT, the lawyers, pharmaceutical companies and 'law enforcement', (who confiscates cash and property) have a lot to lose, in spite of the FACTS that show cannabis helps with pain, glaucoma, PTSD, and shows promise treating cancer and Alzheimer's.
The good news? We are FINALLY gonna get some REAL medical research since the voters of Colorado have gotten 'real', vs the Conservatives who wanna throw adults in prison for possessing a medical plant. Have I ever mentioned how I can't stand those people with their political agenda?


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