In FOX/Pub world, one and the same,

they make LOTS of predictions, or 'statements of facts, to come', from their X-spurts, who

 weigh in on a major policy initiative that’s about to happen, making strong predictions of disaster. The Obama stimulus, you declare, will cause soaring interest rates; the Fed’s bond purchases will “debase the dollar” and cause high inflation; the Affordable Care Act will collapse in a vicious circle of declining enrollment and surging costs, Obama's 'cooking the books', not to mention all the 'evidence about to be presented' that he was born in Kenya.
But nothing you predicted actually comes to pass. What do you do?
The answer is NOTHING, cuz the sheep don't mind. They're off to the next 'disaster' that's gonna happen, while they ignore the REAL disasters that 'actually happened' during the last Repub administration.
Nothing new here, but I get SO sick of it, as they've beat BENGHAZI! into the ground, with over 20 hearings, and MORE to come, and NO wrong-doing, BUT, they have a new bone to chew on, as the Clinton's Foundation, that has done hundreds of millions of dollars worth of charitable good, MIGHT have a link to SOMETHING, SOMEWHERE that MAY be illegal. 
Just like a cat teased with a laser pointer, the sheep are SO easily entertained, as they chase their tails, hoping to catch SOMETHING, SOMETIME, but when they don't? NO PROBLEM, Bullshit Mountain has LOTS of laser pointers. 
FOX and the sheep. What a JOKE.


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