Saturday morning is different,

cuz I don't have the (recorded) national news (CBS, Charlie Rose) and financial news (CNBC), where I skip commercials and boring stuff, SO, on weekends I peruse CNN, Bloomberg and sometimes....FOX, until I get SO upset I turn off the TV and get up. This morning was no different, as I saw 'real' news talk about the Iran nuke talks (with most details still to be worked out, by June 30, but a framework has been set). Then I saw the spin from Bullshit Mountain, where they were TOTALLY negative, just like I predicted they would be, as if St Reagan, or any modern day Pub, could have gotten a 'perfect' pact, instead of dealing in the real world. According to FOX, the cheers from the Iranian people, (thinking sanctions might soon be lifted), meant Obama got bamboozled, but that's to be expected, cuz he and Kerry are just worried about their own 'legacies', while damning the world to nuclear holocaust in the near future. The only quotes shown were from Israel, Repubs and anyone they could find that wanted to bitch. Bottom line, same old shit from FOX, (acting as though sanctions were already lifted, with no inspections) whose only reason for existence is to elect Pubs, by any and all means, which means shoveling propaganda to the sheep, who eat it up and think they've been 'informed'. At least I know when the weekend has started, cuz I get a 'shit shower' to start the day. What kind of people fall for this one-sided crap? Oh yeah, the sheep....


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