The race is on, in Iowa(R),

as the clown car roars in and the clowns pile out, after first kissing 'wrinkled old man' butt, (Adelson and Koch bros), they are fighting to prove who is the 'Most Conservative', while they sell Repub ideas to those who believe the earth is 6000 years old, all the animals in the ENTIRE world (with food to feed 'em) piled on a boat for 40 days, then swam to continents thousands of miles away, AND, don't forget, being gay is a CHOICE, (and a SIN).
Is it any wonder that the clown car crew knows 'this is our base', and BTW, just ignore what we did last time we were in office, and REMEMBER, Obama is gonna WRECK the economy, any day now, cuz FOXNews says so, and has been saying, for the last 7 years, as it continues to improve from the 'steaming pile' that GW and The Dick left behind.
OH, and don't forget, Climate Change is a HOAX. This Anti-science message brought to you by The Koch Brothers(R), and their BILLION dollars, approved by the Supreme Court(R), to buy votes(R).


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