'The Dick' Cheney has said and done

some REALLY bad stuff, but this has to be near top, today, as he had a quote that only the FAR far rightwingnuts wouldn't GAG over. The Dick, referring to the Iran nuke deal, that took 5 nations, many months to 'get this far', and still has many details to be worked out, said,

"I can't think of a more terrible burden to leave the next president than what Obama is creating here."

Oh really Dick? How 'bout the burden YOU left, with 2 unpaid for wars, based on lies, soaring unemployment, crashing home values/stock markets/pension plans, and the worst economy since the Great Depression?
Just be thankful, you old fart, that you haven't been incarcerated for war crimes, as you would be if you left the country, cuz other nations would hold you and the Bushies responsible for your 'crimes against humanity'.


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