In a party truly lacking in 'intellectuals'

Charles 'The Kraut' Hammer is about as close as the Pubs get, until he goes totally 'off the rails' in one of his Conservative rants, as he feels compelled to defend the 'whacko birds' in his party. Today, though, his target was Hillary, and her 'Marie Antoinette' pilgrimage to the country. Poor Hillary, damned if she does and damned if she doesn't, as the rightwing pundits struggle to tear her down, while lacking one of their own, to build up. For them, not a good place to be, as they just admitted:

"Hillary is likable enough, and she has her strengths: discipline, determination, high intelligence, great energy. With an immense organization deploying an obscene amount of money. And behind that, a Democratic Party united if not overly enthusiastic."
WOW! Those are some pretty good strengths. Too bad she has  no experience, other than First Lady, Senator and Sec of State. And you wonder why the Pubs are doing all they can, to tear her down, with bullshit like BENGHAZI!, she won't let us read all her PERSONAL e-mails, and her husband got a BJ in the White House! , while their clown car fills up with gay hating, science denying, Bible thumping champions of the 1%, led by the lie-spewing clowns at Bullshit Mountain.
SO, Pubs, we'll see 'ya, but wouldn't wanna be 'ya.....


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