There were a couple good articles in the Denver Post this morning,

about the difference between Liberals and Conservatives, as the authors tried get to the base difference between looking at the same event or idea and coming up with a totally different conclusion. They considered, 'nature or nurture', environment and genetics, though there were no 'definitive answers', there were some very interesting facts. 
Greg Dobbs has a great article, 'Are Our Politics Genetic?

He describes some large studies that suggest Cons are more fearful (or prudent?), and this shows up in several ways, by testing, and in actual measurable differences in certain parts of the brain. I think this is evident in wanting more military action and more 'wide open' gun laws, among other tendencies. As always, this isn't 'black or white' and there are many other factors at work, but in my observations this is very true, most of the time., and this explains how some people like GW and some can't stand him, as in:

“When people feel uncertain, they’d rather have someone who’s strong and wrong than somebody who’s weak and right.”

Very interesting article, and after reading it, am not sure if the author is a Lib or Con, as he tries very hard to present both sides, in an educational way. Totally unlike FOX, who just preys on people's fears, and has struck a gold mine with Conservatives.


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