There was a time, not that long ago,

that Mike Pence,(R), IN, was considered a rising star in the Pub party and a potential candidate for prez. Then he hooked up (or his actual opinions became known) with the religious rightwingnuts of Indiana, concerning gay rights, and his national political ambitions have been squashed, as we've seen the difference between Main Street Indiana, and the rest of the country, and struggles to explain why he needs to 'Fix' a bill that he swears isn't broken. Thankfully, most of the other Repub clown car occupants are chiming in, with their 'Pro-discrimination views' against gays, and that'll help them to bite the dust also. The country has changed, and is still changing, as per right-wing religious views dominating politics for the majority. For anyone who can read a graph, it's obvious that the 'Religious Right', although still VERY noisy, is losing ground, with their outdated views on sexuality/morality and many other social issues. Will be interesting to see the eventual Repub candidate change his 'deeply held' beliefs that won his party's nomination, once the REAL election begins. They are SO predictable, knowing their rightwingnut views don't play well, once they leave their FOXNews/church lady/trailer park constituencies and campaign in the 'real' America, realizing they need a MAJORITY vote to win, except in Florida(R).


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