The Repubs are working hard this week,

to repeal taxes,,,,,,, for the .02%, as they are rushing to help the billionaires, while the 'little people' will have to make up the $22 billion, in lost revenue. Yup, the 'estate tax' repeal would only affect 5,400 people per year, (the constituency that the Pubs actually care about), but it would save them BILLIONS, while shifting the taxes 'down the food chain', to the people who can least afford it. If you ever wonder who the Pubs actually care about, this is a great example, BUT, the sheep who believe the crap from Bullshit Mountain think the Pubs are 'on their side'. What a joke, that the 'low information' (FOXNews minions) crowd never 'gets', as they pay higher taxes, so the billionaires don't have to.


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