This morning on CBS News,

Charlie Rose and crew interviewed Judith Miller about her new book, 'The Story, A Reporter's Journey', and she told how the Bush admin led her to certain 'sources' who claimed Saddam had WMD's, then QUOTED HER, in their run-up to the Iraq war, that was based on lies from the Bushies, with 'The Dick' Cheney leading the charge. Bottom line, the Pubs WANTED a war and did whatever necessary to get it, with a nice little 'extra' of taking oil (their business) from under $15 to over $140 a barrel. The only downside? Trillions spent and hundreds of thousands killed and wounded, PLUS, the mideast is STILL aflame after they 'kicked the hornet's nest'. Oh yeah, and they also wrecked the US economy, but hey, not as bad as a BJ in the White House, which is unforgivable, right?


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