There's no place like home,

esp after 2 weeks on the road, culminating in a 9 1/2 hour plane ride, the second of the day, being up 24 hours, and getting jet lagged all over again, right after my body just got used to an 8 hour time difference. And special thanks, to Ted and Kari, who drove across town to pick us up from the airport.
But, am not complaining, (well, sort of) cuz I picked up a cold and we had a gas leak at our house while we were gone, (so no hot shower cuz gas is off), the neighbor kid did a LOUSY job of taking care of Bailey, and his folks freaked out when we mentioned it.
Still, good to be home, and we have lots of pics, souvenirs and memories of a part of the world I never thought I'd see. We learned in Budapest and Slovakia that it is MUCH better to be on the winning side of wars, BUT, the good news is that beer (80 cents for a LARGE) and food is really good/cheap. It's an OLD part of the world, with lots of remaining, to see, where New Town in Prague is from the 1400's. It was confirmed to me that The Church sucked the wealth from the people, building lavish cathedrals and homes, hoarding precious stones and golden trinkets, while scaring the locals with an eternity in the Lake of Fire. Most everyone, fellow travelers and the locals, are good people, if you give them a chance. Young people, nearly all over speak English, and love all things American, while the old ones, 'not so much'. BUT, one thing is consistent in the 5 countries we visited. They don't understand how Trump could be a serious candidate for prez, (we explained he's not, and they don't have to worry), and they REALLY hate GW and the Dick for screwing up the Mid East, creating the refugees and stoking terrorism.
Finally, for now, I found that river cruising, in a brand new boat, through beautiful country, being spoiled in every way, and never having to unpack, with knowledgeable local guides, and an excellent chef, with free (local) wine and beer, is my favorite way to travel.
Now I just have to recover and figure out how I'm gonna lose the pounds I gained, after I get my body clock back on schedule.


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