It's not over yet,
but I gotta admit, the Clown in Chief's address isn't as bad as I was expecting. I am reminded however, of my favorite teacher, Jean Gallant, who taught 9th grade English, and one of her favorite terms, 'Glittering Generalities'. Phrases that sound good, but have no specifics behind them. Platitudes that are hard to argue with, sounding wonderful BUT, with nothing of substance behind them. That is Donald's speech tonight. Education, opportunity, rainbows and unicorns for everyone, asking for cooperation from the opposition party, after the jerks on the right(R) were the worst obstructionists in history, in EVERY possible way. Glittering generalities sound good, BUT, unless he and the Pubs can put some action and reality behind their words, it's just another pile of BS by the Biggest Liar in the history of our country, backed by the Party of NO! C'mon cheeseballs, prove me wrong. I dare ya.... Instead of just throwing increased BILLIONS at the most bloate...