Has anyone else noticed the the Jackholes(R)

who voted OVER SIXTY TIMES to repeal the Affordabel Care Act, when they knew it was impossible, now that they can, aren't voting? Cuz they got NUTHIN', but bullshit, which only the sheep love to swallow.
Former House speaker John Boehner said Thursday that Republicans won't deliver on a years-long promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act, telling an audience at a health care conference that "repeal-and-replace" is "not going to happen."
Can you say Hypocrites?
Yup, we are stuck with the Orange Clown cuz of Putin, Comey and Fake News, PLUS his promises to cut taxes, funding infrastructure spending and getting rid of Obmamcare. ALL LIES. SO, who's surprised? Remember, the jerk was elected by LESS than 1%, by the Bible Belt. WHAT A JOKE...
 PS, THis just in... One of Trump's MAIN campaign promises was a YUUUGE infrastructure program, BUT, now he says 'it's on the back-burner', AFTER tax reform and replacing Obamamcare', in other words, NEVER. Just another example of Pub voters falling for BULLSHIT, (like tax cuts), that are forgotten once they get in power.


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