Are you one of those weirdos

who like fresh fruit and vegetables, at a good price. WELL, the Clown in Chief has a  SURPRISE for you. Guess who picks the vast majority of our fruits and veggies? Yup, those damn murderers and rapists, (Mexicans) who are willing to do the hard work, in harsh conditions, for low wages.
Just saw an interview with several growers in California, where we get over 25% of our produce, (and a YUUUGE amount comes from Mexico), and they are VERY afraid, for good reason.
I guess we can all live on potato chips, like the Clown in Charge, if we don't wanna pay double, or more, for fresh produce.
Just remember, 'We don't need no stinkin' veggies'.
And the disaster (who can't see it coming?) continues to unfold, as a fruit/vegetable shortage will be the LEAST of our worries.


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