After no snow or cold, here on the front range

of Colorado for the last few weeks, (as it is fantastic golf weather, in shorts), the forecast is for 'no change' for the next 15 days. (Continual record breaking).  Am SO glad Rush and Sean tell us that global warming is a hoax.
These brainiacs assure us that unprecedented thawing in Antarctica, as a Delaware-sized chunk breaks off, and everyone with a brain can see temps are warming, is just liberal scare-tactics.
Bottom line,,,, what kind of dumbshits believe FOXNews? (never mind, we know)
Oh yeah, those who think gays are demon-possessed and the earth is 6000 years old. And they all voted for Trump.... Not exactly the sharpest knives in the drawer.
BTW, the same ignorant sheep who believe Flynn went 'rogue' also believe Russia didn't interfere, to give us The Orange Clown as prez.
Yup, the sheep swallow Bullshit Mountain crap like Debbie from Dallas. BUT, now there are recordings, SO, Flynn was pushed onto his sword, after assuring the Russians that sanctions won't be a problem, and getting recorded saying what he was told to say.
SO, who's surprised?  Oh yeah, the sheep.
BTW, these are the same ' rocket surgeons' who think GW and The Dick were 'misled' into the 'Oops no WMD's' Iraq war. How do they survive with their (lack of) brainpower? 


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