When it comes to which bathroom to use,

the Trumpies say, 'State's Rights', BUT when it comes to states where the majority of people voted to make cannabis 'recreational', the buffoons(R) say Fed law 'Trumps' state law. And the Head Stooge, Atty Gen Jefferson Beauregard Sessions(R), (the guy who says he liked the KKK 'til he found out they smoked pot), is now in charge of enforcement. The same jerk(R) said, 'Good people don't smoke marijuana'. I would counter with, 'Sane people don't vote for Trump'.
Seems like these a**holes wanna turn the pot business back over to the cartels, cuz they sure ain't gonna stop it. What a bunch of idiotic jerks(R).
BTW, a majority of Americans, unlike the sheep (along with comrades Putin and Comey, with fake news) who put Trump in power with less than a majority, say pot should be legal. Period.
So much for a 'democracy'....


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