As the Clown in Chief explains....

WHY he screwed up the story about Swedish terror attacks, it seems he gets his 'news' from FOX, and it was/is bullshit AGAIN...
Nothing new here, as the arrogant, egotistical buffoon bitches about 'fake news' from the mainstream media.
I gotta admit it's hard.....
not to laugh, as the sheep get their 'news' from fantasy world....
Explains a LOT, though....
Can you imagine the shit storm if Hillary/Obama said crap like this??????
BUT, the sheep, believing FOXNews and a literal Bible, have NO PROBLEM with 'news' like this.
Nothing new here....., but can you imagine ANYTHING more hypocritical than the thumpers electing Donald Trump?
I can't, and I've TRIED, to come up with a comical analogy.
Something like the KKK electing Dave Chapell as Grand Wizard, or Jefferson Beauregard Sessions as US Atty Gen? Never mind....


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