The rightwingnuts claim to be SO patriotic,

and were SO concerned about Hillary's 'private server' being compromised. It wasn't. BUT, it seems their boy was in constant contact with the Russians, as Wikileaks, Comrade Putin and Comrade Comey conspired to put the Orange Clown in the White House.
Hmmmm, I wonder WHY they (Russia) want him SO much, although the Trumpies deny it all, like Flynn did, before being presented with recorded conversations, proving he and the Trumpies were LYING..... AGAIN.
On Tuesday night, multiple news outlets reported that U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies had obtained phone records and intercepted calls that showed Trump associates and campaign aides repeatedly talking to Russian officials in the year before the election.
You think this bothers the Repub Hypocrites? Of Course Not! Whatever it takes to place a (R) in the White House is fine with them. Part of Putin's plan? No problem for the hypocrites who bitched about 'Lyin' Hillary' while Trump's lies are WAY more than ten-fold. No problem for the sheep, who swallow FOXLies like mother's milk. What's one more pile of lies in FOX/PARP world....


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