Thanks, again, to Dave

who I'm sharing, (or ripping-off), again, cuz we are on the same team.

Trump’s furious temper tantrums against the press could have some nasty repercussions as he becomes the enraged bull in a china shop.  There’s no doubt that a great deal of china will be broken in the weeks and months ahead – and some of it may be precious heirloom china that the nation treasures (and which could be lost in one of Trump’s anti-press rampages).

The other overriding impression left by this article is that Trump truly is the incredibly thin-skinned narcissist and unstable megalomaniac with a hair-trigger temper that we saw almost daily during the 2016 campaign – to the point that anyone with half a brain viscerally realized that he was temperamentally unfit for any public office – much less the presidency. 
The trouble is, those with 'half a brain' are exactly those who elected him. That's the 'brain destroying effect' of watching, and OMG!, and actually believing FOXNews. Blue=my comments.


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