I love to see the two Trumps, juxtaposed beside each other

Trump 1 LOVES leaks, and says how necessary they are, to expose the truth.
Trump 2 HATES leaks and vows to 'find and prosecute' the leakers.

Trump 1 bitches about Hillary's private server, cuz of nat'l security.
Trump 2 has No Problem with the Russians hacking the US election.

Trump 1 says he loves veterans.
Trump 2 doesn't like McCain, cuz he prefers those who DON'T get captured.

Trump 1 says, 'no one respects women more than me'.
Trump 2 'says, 'Grab them by the PUSSY!'

Trump 1 bitches about Lyin' Hillary and Lyin' Ted.
Trump 2 tells WAY more lies than the two of them EVER did, EVERY WEEK, and the sheep don't give a shit.

Trump 1 says the polls (Pew and Gallup) are fake, with their 40% and 39% approval ratings.
Trump 2 cites Rasmussen(?) poll, (FOX viewers), claiming over 50% approval.

And the funniest of ALL...
Trump 1 calls the mainstream media 'fake'.
Trump 2 praises Rush and FOXNews, when they say what a GREAT job he's doing.


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