For my daily dose of bullshit (maybe I can become inoculated?)

I checked Bullshit Mountain, and found the King of Bullshit, Rush himself, a 'waste of a YUUGE amount of human flesh' had a couple of quotable quotes, about Trump, and his attack on the media, (FOX excluded cuz they aren't REAL media), obviously.
"The media did not make Donald Trump, and they can't destroy him," Limbaugh said on "Fox News Sunday." (Oh really? Which clown car did you watch?)
“In my view, it is preposterous to believe that the Russians had any effect on the outcome of voting in this country. It's absurd. There is no evidence. Zilch, zero, nada.”

Oh really Rush? 
ALL the US Intelligence agencies AGREE that the Russians meddled in our election, to The Clown's benefit, but because it is IMPOSSIBLE be PROVE it effected the final numbers, that were well under 1%, it is FINE with Rush and the other brain-dead sheep, as the Russkies put 'their boy' in the White House.
Nothing new here, BUT, hopefully it is helping with my inoculation, as Rush spews bullshit like Mona Loa spews lava, and the sheep swallow like Debbie...


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