The bombastic buffoon, addressing the stooges at CPAC,

began his speech with a YUUUGE lie, after patting himself on the back and bragging for the first five minutes. He claimed he never said, 'The media is the enemy of the American people' (YES, HE DID!), but , claimed to say 'fake news' is the enemy of the American people. WTF? Does he think everyone is as stupid as the FOXSheep? He clearly said 'media', just like he clearly mocked the disabled reporter, then denied it. It's all been RECORDED!
BUT, the sheep don't care when he lies, cuz they find some part of his performance to love, and 'to hell with the rest'. Among the sheep, WHO CARES if he adds more lies to the Everest-sized pile he already has?
You don't become and remain a 'sheep' if you actually care about those stupid FACT thingies.....
If the liar has an (R) after his name, WHO CARES?


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