For someone who's tasked with uniting the country

and his party, the new prez has a credibility gap the size of the Grand Canyon, and growing. With 'approval numbers' NEVER SEEN at this stage of the presidency, he makes us (sorta) forget his 'last lie' with a new one.
 Donald Trump now faces enormous hurdles in getting even his presumptive allies to put their names behind his credibility.
Trump has made untrue statements about the size of hisinauguration crowd, the “standing ovation” he received at CIA headquarters, the “millions” of “illegal” votes cast in the November election, the murder rate, the news coverage given to terror attacks, and, just Saturday at his Florida “campaign” rally, about the amount of vetting refugees trying to enter the country must undergo and about a nonexistent terror incident in Sweden.
That’s just a partial list, after he’s only been in office a month, AND it's not even counting all the lies about his support from Russia. The good news for him? His supporters don't care and those that can't stand him have found no reason to change. SO, it's the same old shit... SO, what does his own party think of him?
Of course, given his track record with veracity, should Americans take him at face value?
“They should not, because the president and most of his senior advisers are serial liars. It’s that simple,” said Eliot Cohen, a senior State Department official under Bush and a participant of his National Security Council. “I cannot believe a word that comes out of the president’s mouth, the spokesman’s mouth, the vice president’s mouth, because, frankly, he’s morally compromised now, too.”


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