We're all familiar with the Holy Trinity,

Father, Son and Holy Ghost. But I propose that there is also an UNHOLY Trinity, controlling politics in the US, thanks to Karl Rove and Roger Ailes. Yup, the modern, unholy alliance consists of Christians, FOXNews and the Republican Party, although there is little/no distinction between Repubs and their Propaganda Arm, FOXNews.
Karl Rove wisely brought them (the largest voting bloc, BY FAR, in the US) into the fold, by pandering to them, (while laughing at them behind their backs) and the Bushies cemented the relationship with YUUGE amounts of cash, unless the pastor spoke against Pub policies, then they were cut off. (Google it)
Now, there's not a sliver of light between the 3 entities, although Trump has to be the most UNCHRISTIAN prez, EVER.
BUT he has an (R) after his name, so all is forgiven, by the flock. As we 'look forward?' to seeing what damage he will cause, just recall what the last Repub admin did.
Remember 2008 and the worst recession since the Big D? This is gonna be SO MUCH worse. Don't believe me? Just be patient as the arrogant, egotistical Liar in Chief puts his stamp on our country, and the world.
It's not gonna be pretty, but it WILL be interesting, as the Evangelicals hastened their 'end of the world'.prophecy, with President Donald, the anti-Christ.


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