After the Pubs YUUUUGE giveaway\to their Big Money buddies

we knew THIS was coming, but not so soon.
Paul Ryan wants to cut entitlements to trim the deficit
  • Revenue shortfalls created by the new GOP tax law could make House Speaker Paul Ryan's political goals easier to achieve.
  • Ryan wants to cut so-called entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security to reduce the deficit.

  • Are you shittin' me? Calling Soc Sec an entitlement, after I paid into it for over 50 years is Repub bullshit. Same with Medicare, although the difference is I STILL pay into it, for 80-20 coverage, after a deductible and monthly payments over $120. 
  • Same old crap from the Pubs, as they screw the lower/middle class to shovel $$$ to those who need it least.
  • What's funny/ironic is the fact that the low income/education morons who elected him are gonna be hurt the worst.


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