Just got home from 18 holes, walking, in shorts,

on the day before the first day of winter here in Colorado. Life is good!
Waiting for the news to start, (real news, not FOXCrap), I saw the Colbert recording,
with a 'highlight reel' of the Orange Clown, and the crap he has said and done.OMG!
And you Evangelicals say this is your guy?
Don't EVER claim your typical 'Holier than thou" bullshit, as you back that a-hole.
He is low rent slime, and a 'Patholical LIAR, WELL DOCUMENTED.
Like I say, if you back the Dotard, don't claim any kind of moral superiority, for OBVIOUS reasons, as the Pussy Grabber rules your party....
BTW, this new Pub tax break is exactly like the Dems wanted, BUT, the Pubs said we couldn't afford. cuz they are SO fiscally responsible, until they are in charge, then it's DIFFERENT.
Nothing new here....


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