The new movie, with Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks, 'The Post',

reminds us of a time the govt LIED to us about the war in Viet Nam and the prez was a lying, sack o' shit crook. Since then we had Iraq, with GW and The Dick.
I remember LOTS of people(R) giving me shit cuz I told the truth about those people and their wars.
Now, those same idiots(R), have a new hero, the Orange Clown in the White House. The same jerks(R) who fell for the lies then, fall for the lies now.
Will they EVER say, 'Wow, I was wrong', even though history CLEARLY shows they were?
Of course not!
These jackholes have a mindset that anything 'Conservative' (who cares if it's LIES) is good for the country. When they're shown to be WRONG, they ignore the past and move onto the NEXT rightwingnut, conservative bullshit, even if it means pledging allegiance to a vain, arrogant unqualified Liar in Chief.
Bottom line, you can't shame the shameless, cuz they won't recognize when they're full of shit, even as it runs out all of their orifices.....


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