FOX is bitchin'

cuz, Prince Harry and Meghan might invite the Obama's and not Trump. Wow, who da thunk you'd invite a friend to your wedding and NOT invite an a-hole you can't stand?

 In other Bullshit Mountain WTF'S, they are are bitchin' about a conspiracy at the FBI to obstruct Trump's presidential campaign. WHAT??? Do the sheep not remember Comey's last minute release that the FBI had found more incriminating e-mails, even though they hadn't?
It never ceases to amaze me what FOX-PARP can shovel to the moronic sheep, in the name of 'news' as they prepare Russia-Trump 'Collusion' defense, based on an incompetent, biased FBI. And it's working, for their clueless audience, who don't give a shit about collusion anyway.

Concerning the UN voting to condemn the Liar in Chief's plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem...
 Why Trump felt his bombastic pronouncement would be accepted is obvious. In his mind he is actually a world leader, admired and held in regard. The fact is, the planet has been shaking its head in wonder at the stupid Americans, who somehow managed to elect the opposite of a president.
Thomas M. Holzfaster, Lakewood


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