Wow, how bad a LIAR you gotta be

that even the FOXSheep see through your shit? It's like the North Pole elves not believing in Santa Claus. BUT, the Dotard's popularity is slipping, among the most gullible crowd in the US.

Trump Losing Support Among Fox Viewers, Polling Says

President Trump gave more than three times as many interviews (18) to Fox and Fox Business as he has to NBC, ABC and CBS combined (5). He's given two to religious networks and zero to CNN.
Fox critics would say that Trump favors Fox because the network is exceedingly friendly to the president. Some even call it Trump's "state TV."
Among people who trust Fox News the most, the president's approval rating has been sinking. His favorability among Fox devotees in June was 90 percent. In October, it was 74 percent. This week? Fifty-eight percent. If that trend continues, he will be underwater with the Fox audience long before the 2018 midterms.
You can cry "fake polls," as Trump often does. But was the same poll fake in June? Or are the same trends that led to Trump's historically abysmal approval ratings now reaching even the Fox faithful?
Wow, the FOXSheep are beginning to see through his lies and recognize how arrogant and incompetent he is? AMAZING!


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